About SafeLane
What We Do
We manufacture and distribute traffic signs, work zone safety products, pavement marking materials, and traffic related equipment.
Who We Are
We are a highly specialized and personable retailer of traffic supply products that strive to help our customers get what they want, when they want it, and consistently. A product will never get to your hands unless there is some direct communication with us, whether that’s an email, fax, or a phone call. Who we’re NOT is an online retailer where making purchases is something you do on your own and have to wonder if you ordered the right product and quantity. You’ll never have to worry about ordering 500 cones and finding out that they are the wrong size or color.
Our Customers
We serve highway contractors, cities and counties, and parking lot stripers.
Locations We Deliver To
We currently provide service throughout the state of Texas but are open to and have the ability to serve outside of Texas.
Our Mission
Our goal is to provide the finest customer service at competitive prices in the traffic supply industry.